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    Volume 19, Issue 3, August 31, 2024
    Message from the Editors
 I, Cro-Mag by Michael A. Clark
 Labyrinths for Wayward Teens by LM Zaerr
 Dragon Shepherd by George S. Walker
 Zombie Processes by Richard S. Crawford
 There Are No Clowns by Graham Robert Scott
 Editor's Corner: Hallway by Candi Cooper-Towler



Candi Cooper-Towler


Visitors always ask if the hotel is haunted. All hotels are haunted. So many people pass through and they leave behind so many loves, losses, furies, fears. We hear the leftover emotions at night when our minds are quieter. They stalk the rooms demanding to be heard at last: the stomping down the hallway, the shouting, the cry of pain, the death rattle.

Is it just the dead leaves rattling?

Holding my breath

hoping there are no footsteps.

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